Orbsort Vol. 1.2

Volume 1.2!

Would not have been inspired to do this, had Jamer_theGamer aka Xantho not streamed himself playing Orbsort and posted it to the comments.

  • Removed the piracy screen because it's pointless
  • Changed the tutorial screen mentioning "gray goes anywhere in order" to clear up which exactly is gray, because I have a shoddy color for purple. Sorry about that, it's not my fault, I swear
  • Added quick restart to the pause menu for Blitz and Clear. If you set the seed previously, it'll reset you with the same seed!
  • The Clear timer will go a darker orange if it goes above your high score. I hope it's noticeable enough.
  • Extra orb motion versions (Bounce and Ease). Hopefully they're functioning intermediate steps between all and nothing.

Please check your settings. I'm pretty sure I broke stuff there so your music, SFX, and motion may have been messed with. No I did not bother to handle it, sorry

note: i did find the weird bug where you go into infinite randomly after using the pause menu exit. i'll fix that tomorrow.

Tomorrow, jan 17 '23 (Vol. 1.2+):

  • Fixed that weird bug where you go into infinite randomly after using the pause menu exit.


orbsort_v122_windows.zip 1 MB
Jan 17, 2023
orbsort_v122_osx.zip 3.3 MB
Jan 17, 2023
orbsort_v122_linux.zip 801 kB
Jan 17, 2023
orbsort_v122_raspi.zip 2.2 MB
Jan 17, 2023



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I'm honoured to have inspired you omg!! 
Well done, excited to have a look into it! :D