Orbsort Vol. 1.2+S

Volume 1.2+S (the S stands for Stupid)

Game devs, this is exactly why you need to playtest the heck out of your game. I thought I was fixing bugs but then I proceeded to add seventy million. The ones I fixed are as follows:

  • KNOCKOUT had the music and SFX messed up
  • Pause menu was strange
  • Resetting capsules resulted in a lot of mess
  • (this one's actually been here forever:) Timers are now consistent. There won't be a 0.01 second difference. or at least there shouldn't

I also shoved in:

  • A little star that appears when you could beat your high score in Blitz and Clear
  • Removal of a bunch of shadow stuff
  • Text is even more contrasty (some text that wasn't contrasty before is now contrasty, so long as you turn on text contrast)
  • You can hit the back button on the countdown screen to randomize the seed without even opening pause. That's right, I am shaving off literally milliseconds for the people who wanna restart. Lol

I don't think there's anything else?
If you find any stupid bugs please let me know :)

BTW, because the guy whose video had the bugs in them didn't actually seem to want the bugs fixed, I'm leaving up the HTML/JS version of 1.2+.
A compromise. I fix some stuff that should never have happened, I keep up a version. Yay :)

That should be it. Thank you for reading this devlog. Is there anything else this game is gonna get? Probably not but we'll find out

Go play orbsrot

EDIT: It seems more like he didn't want the bugs fixed because I'd take time out my day for it. It took me two hours lol don't worry about it


Orbsort v1.2+S Windows 1 MB
Jan 20, 2023
Orbsort v1.2+S Mac 3.3 MB
Jan 20, 2023
Orbsort v1.2+S Linux 801 kB
Jan 20, 2023
Orbsort v1.2+S Raspi 2.2 MB
Jan 20, 2023



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one more silly bug: when you quick restart, the cursor starts on the last tube you were at, rather than the top left tube which it usually starts at. if that makes sense! 

wonderful job with everything, i will not worry about it haha!! :D