NOTE: Seeds are slightly different in 1.4 due to a fix of a bug

Please take screenshots of your old high scores if you want to keep them - the save transfer is imperfect


  • 4 and 10 Orb Counts!
    • In 4 orb mode, you won't get any Color Order bonuses.
    • In 10 orb mode, DARK GRAY and WHITE orbs are introduced! DARK GRAY doesn't give any Color Order bonus while WHITE always gives Color Match bonus.
  • x0.3 and x0.5 Combotimer!
    • x0.3 is actually the timer for the early versions of ORBSORT - 1.5 second
  • You can now start a Blitz or Clear round through the results screen!
  • Capsule selection can be changed before a round starts!
  • High scores can be edited from the main menu!
  • Infinite, Blitz, and Clear scores have been extended, up to 99 million points or 9999 minutes!
  • If you're not in a combo, the multiplier your current B2B Chain gives you is now shown!


  • Set seed isn't recorded with high scores
  • Combobar visuals have been improved
  • You can no longer have less than 25 orbs 
  • CONTRAST ORBSET: guideline visual on the bottom of the screen has been improved
  • BLITZ: Fixed end-of-game orb dropping
  • BLITZ: Orbs can't be put into dead capsules at the end of the game
  • KNOCKOUT: Health calculation is kinda fixed


I've made a website to keep track of the highest scores of ORBSORT. Submit your runs and get on the board. https://wish-volo.neocities.org/bonus/orbsort


I came back to this game because I hated the idea of leaving this game alone when there was still some other things I could put into it. As such, everyone gets a (relatively) massive content update.

There are still things I want to do. Knockout is badly implemented, and I had an idea for a new mode. I wanna add a bit more music along with them.
But the issue is, I'm using an engine with very limited space. I'd have to do quite a bit of work to fit either in.

Along with that, there's so many other things that I want to do with my time. I've been working on them while I was waiting for something for this game, but I decided I was done with leaving this in purgatory, so here we are.

I have no idea what ORBSORT is going to be in the future but I hope I figure it out. Either a complete fix of Knockout or remade in a new engine entirely.


Windows vol 1.4 1 MB
Dec 29, 2023
Linux vol 1.4 805 kB
Dec 29, 2023
OSX vol 1.4 3.3 MB
Dec 29, 2023
Raspberry Pi vol 1.4 2.2 MB
Dec 29, 2023



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rankings website is so clean! well done, i want to stream me playing the new update so i wont try it for a while, since im moving. cant wait though!


hope the move goes well!